
Kate Hudson and Matthew McConaughey talk about their on-screen chemistry: “We kiss really nicely”

Matthew McConaughey and Kate Hudson kiss and tell it.

The rom-com veterans, who starred together in Fool's Gold And How do I get rid of it in 10 days?reunited in an Instagram Live video on Monday to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the latter film. When asked what it was like to smooch, the pair talked about some of the strange circumstances they found themselves in.

“My problem is that we are always in strange environments. [when we kiss in movies]said Hudson. “There was only one time when we kissed, and it was so beautiful and soft, in the bathroom.”

McConaughey added: “Everything else is like: swim up, the sharks almost ate you, you just fell out of a plane 300 feet up, you're treading water before you catch your breath, and you're backlit, it's the magic hour. You have 30 seconds to [kiss] Shot.'”

Kate Hudson and Matthew McConaughey in “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days”

Kate Hudson and Matthew McConaughey in “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days”

Parent/Everett Kate Hudson and Matthew McConaughey in “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days”

Hudson agreed with her co-star, explaining that kissing in a movie is never the romantic moment it seems to be – it's just movie magic. “When you kiss someone in a movie, it's professional,” she said. “We're actually trying to create something that evokes something in a certain way that maybe isn't necessarily the way you would do it in real life.”

Hudson, who is engaged to musician Danny Fujikawa, added: “Out of respect for our current partners, we kiss nicely. It was always a very nice kiss.” (McConaughey, on the other hand, has been married to Camila Alves since 2012 and the two have three children together.)

Director: Donald Petrie, How do I get rid of it in 10 days? was released a week before Valentine's Day 2003. Hudson plays columnist Andie Anderson, who has less than two weeks to write an article about how she made her boyfriend leave her. Unbeknownst to her, that man, advertising executive Benjamin Barry (McConaughey), has also made a bet that he can make any woman fall in love with him.

As well as How do I get rid of a guy? And Fool's GoldMcConaughey and Hudson have undeniable chemistry, and they believe it comes down to their complementary acting styles. “What tickles me won't hurt you; what tickles you won't hurt me,” McConaughey said. “We were never afraid to push it to what might be considered too far.”

“If you went one way, I went with you,” Hudson added. “But then I thought, 'I'll distract him a little bit. Let's see what happens if I make a sharp turn to the right.'”

Watch the entire conversation between Hudson and McConaughey above.

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