
Family decorates Christmas tree for father with cancer in June

FRANKLIN, Tenn. (WTVF) — You don't usually see something like this in June, but a popular sight in one community is back in honor of a beloved family member.

“My daughter Tabiatha decided we were called Gigi and Paw-Paw,” smiled Glendra Thompson, referring to the grandparent names she and her husband, David Thompson, adopted. “She just thought Daddy looked like a Paw-Paw!”

The Thompsons are proud of their family tree.

“Three children, ten grandchildren,” said David. “We didn't plan it, but we wouldn't have it any other way.”

“It was God’s plan!” Glendra added.

The Thompsons are known for another family tree. It's a real tree that stands in front of their home on Hillsboro Road in Franklin. For nearly 40 years, David decorated it at Christmas using an elaborate process described by his sons, Matt and John David.

“We call it the stake,” Matt said, pointing to a long wooden stake with the tip of a nail sticking out of it. “This is the stake we use to decorate the tree.”

“I climb into the middle of the tree and hang lights,” David added.

“Just lean out as far as you can,” said John David.

“It was pretty hair-raising at times,” Glendra said. “Especially when it was really windy.”

“I’m the one most willing to get hurt on the job!” laughed Matt.

Daughter Tabaitha said the decorated tree was something that motivated people out of love.

“It's just become a great tradition for the whole community,” she said. “It's a community tree. It brings joy to everyone. My parents get letters.”

The family has just received bad news.

“I was diagnosed with esophageal cancer and while they were looking for that, they also found out I had pancreatic cancer,” David said.

In mid-June, the family decided to join in and do something.

“We just thought it would be good to decorate it in case I don't feel like it in November,” David said.

All the grandchildren gathered at GiGi and Paw-Paw's to see it.

“How many lights are on this tree?” I asked her.



“850!” they shouted.

I've got one more question.

“Who is your favorite grandchild?”

“Me!” they all shouted in unison.

“All of them! Every single one!” laughed Glendra.

“I love seeing the lights out there,” David said. “It just makes me happy to drive down Hillsboro Road and see the lights at night. It's beautiful up on the hill.”

“Have fun with it and remember to say a prayer for David when you see it,” Glendra said.

“I'm just grateful to be able to show the love of Jesus and the Christmas season,” David said. “I just hope people appreciate the tree.”

Wonder Woman; School honors beloved teacher battling brain cancer

I think we can all remember our favorite teachers. They leave a mark on our lives in so many ways. Have your tissues ready to read Forrest Sanders' story about Mrs. McMurray. She invested so much in her students and their love returned to them when they needed it most.

-Carrie Sharp