
One of the best Vision Pro environments is now available as a wallpaper

A standout feature of the Vision Pro is its immersive environments, which allow you to take full advantage of the device's VR capabilities and find yourself in a completely different place. One of Apple's most frequently demonstrated environments is Mount Hood, and thanks to Basic Apple Guy, you can now enjoy this peaceful place as a wallpaper on your iPhone, iPad, and Mac.

Inspired by Vision Pro

Here Basic Apple Guy describes his inspiration for this project:

One of my favorite landscape images from Apple in recent years was the immersive environment of Mount Hood that Apple captured for Vision Pro.

In the headset, this immersive environment transports you to the shores of Trillium Lake. In the distance, you can see the imposing facade of Mount Hood and hear the gentle patter of rain on the water. The immersion is almost meditative and helps you forget about everything else for a minute.

I like the idea of ​​bringing Mount Hood to your other Apple devices and this new wallpaper is beautiful.

I'd be curious to see Apple introduce official companion wallpapers for each of its Vision Pro environments on other devices. While we're at it, making the tvOS screensavers into wallpapers would be another success.

Download Mount Hood wallpaper for iPhone, iPad and Mac

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